A Review of Practices and Methods Prescribed by the New Seers
This site, and our book containing a collection of scientific research, are provided for the benefit of all those who aspire to enhance their perception and expand their awareness without the detrimental effects of chemicals. An informed reader will see many parallels between the methods advocated by the New Seers and other spiritual/religious/mystical practices. However, the ancient shamanic practices described by Castaneda exhibit unique qualities such as; simplicity and directness, an elegant efficiency in their power to create change, and an integrated coherence in their complementary support of each other.
The authors of this website are practitioners that have found these methods to be very effective at enhancing perception and expanding awareness beyond the confines of ordinary daily awareness. It is our hope that the detailed examination of the practices and methods presented in the book, will aid the dedicated practitioner in opening the Seer's Portal.